Our extensive collections are carefully curated for their timeless design, quality and longevity. Let us help you enhance your home.
At Draycott and Charles, our passion for curating luxury home furnishings in the UK is unmatched, serving as the cornerstone of our design philosophy. Our dedication to excellence is evident through our selection of premium materials, sourced from renowned British and international suppliers, ensuring every piece we create or recommend meets our high standards of quality and luxury. Our products encompass a comprehensive suite of offerings designed to transform any space into a bespoke masterpiece. From luxury upholstery, featuring the finest fabrics and textures, to custom-made curtains and blinds that complement your interior design. We go beyond traditional luxury home furnishings to offer tailor-made products that reflect your unique taste and lifestyle. We understand that luxury is in the details, which is why we meticulously select the finest materials and collaborate with the best British craftsmen and global artisans.